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A work model with
4 pillars


Campaña Internacional:

1. Campaign:


We gathered 100,000 signatures to request the

Cochamo Valley to be declared a Nature Sanctuary!


In 2022, a 133.000 hectares property that included a major part of Cochamo Valley was put up for sale in New York . Faced with an uncertain scenario, we launched an international campaign called #COCHAMOPROTEGIDO, gathering more than 100,000 signatures to request the president of Chile for the Valley to be declared a Nature Sanctuary.

In the meanwhile other organizations participated in the preparation of the application, technical files and presentation to authorities.

On January 26, 2023, Minister Javiera Toro announced the creation of the Cochamó Valley Nature Sanctuary, thereby protecting more than 11,000 hectares.

"I want to highlight the relevant role of the community and environmental organizations who raised citizen campaigns for this sector to be declared a Nature Sanctuary"

Minister of National Assets Javiera Toro January 26, 2023

El 2022, el Fundo Pucheguin fue puesto en venta en Nueva York. Ante un escenario incierto, lanzamos una Campaña internacional reuniendo firmas para requerir al Presidente Gabriel Boric la declaración de Santuario de la Naturaleza para el Valle Cochamó.

Organizations that collaborated in the campaign


We held the first
 photography contest !

The theme of the contest was the natural and cultural attractions of Cochamó with the aim of promoting their recognition and protection.
130 people from different parts of Chile participated in the event. We have
the participation of prominent photographers on the jury : Victoria Ansaldo , Alexande r C astro , Matías Román and Timothy Dhalleine .

Program: "Guardians of COCHAMÓ: Children for nature"

This program seeks to instill in children and young people from the Lakes region a deep appreciation for the Cochamó Circuit and its biodiversity. Among the activities carried out is a review of how to carry out responsible tourism based on the 7 principles of Leave no trace ( Leave no trace principles ). An activity to recognize species of mammals, birds and amphibians that are threatened or in danger of extinction that live in Cochamó and to color a picture of the Circuit.

The intercommunal activity was carried out at the "XXI Science and Technology Fair" organized by the German School of Puerto Varas and also had the participation of students from the San Javier School of Puerto Montt, Pumahue of Puerto Montt, Ramón Angel Jara School of the Muermos and the German School of Osorno.

The event was also attended by authorities from the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Conaf, Universidad Austral, Universidad de los Lagos, Universidad Santo Tomás, Universidad San Sebastián, among other organizations.  


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"Know to protect "

The scientific and academic world plays a fundamental role in identifying the natural and cultural attributes to conserve in the Cochamó circuit. This is why we have collaborated closely with students and professionals from the following institutions: University of Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Universidad de Concepción and Universidad Andrés Bello.

These alliances have allowed us to study various topics such as: Deforestation surfaces associated with vehicular road projects within the circuit, identify climbing areas with potential landslides, the types of forests and vegetation floors of the Cochamó Circuit, the water basin and make a diagnosis. of the main threats to the conservation of the territory.

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3. La Viguería:
We equiped a new climbing sector in Ralún

During 2022 we made two trips to recognize, clean and equip some of the most beautiful cracks of the Petrohue River.
We enabled 4 new routes with their corresponding drop-offs.


4. Responsible tourism:

We care about encouraging responsible tourism as a source of sustainable work for the community.

We inform thousands of visitors of Cochamo about the main tourist attractions, where to camp, when to go, values, among others.

We also educate about leave no trace principles.


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Algunas organizaciones con que hemos colaborado:

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